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Game Of The Month

The goal of BetaGameReviews is to give smaller video games more publicity. We hope that through our user base, the developer teams behind the sponsored video games will receive useful feedback to improve their game. This months game is Black Forest. It was developed and is continously updated by a one-man team. He would love feedback to know what to improve and how.





It would be a huge help if you left a review for the featured game. The purpose of this website is to save users money in exchange for their honest review, which would take no more than ten minutes. Even if the game is free, if you could spare some time to leave a review it would be a huge help. After you have downloaded two games, you must leave a review on at least one of the games in order to try out other advertised games.

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Why This Game?

The Black Forest is a turn-based multiplayer game about cooperation and betrayal. A resource-management strategy game about survival and despair. It is set in the dark and dangerous Black Forest in medieval Germany. It is a casual game, meaning that you will spend anywhere from a few minutes to maybe half an hour per day, with a game possibly running for several weeks.

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